3. Norms

A norm is how we measure the length/size of vectors and matrices.


An example is relative error:


|.| is a norm if

  1. |x|0, |x|=0x=0.
  2. |αx|=|α||x|
  3. |x+y||x|+|y|. Sub-additivity / triangle inequality.

Common Vector Norms

The infinity norm is the maximum value of a vector


This is very punishing of outliers.

The 1 norm is the sum of the absolute values


The 2 norm is the square root of sum the squares.

These are all examples of p-norms, which are given by


The limit is what happens when p.


Isometries are operations that do not change the norms.

Norm Equivalence

Given two norms |x|a and |x|b, there is a theorem that constants c1,c2 such that


Example. The infinity norm is less than the 1 norm less than n times the infinity norm.


Note that they are equivalent when x has exactly 1 non-zero element or all the entries are 0.

Matrix Norms

Suppose ARm×n. The Frobenius norm is treating a matrix as a mn dimension vector and taking the 2-norm.

We can also calculate the induced norm, or operator norm.


See 2.9. Superconvergence.

A nice property of induced norms is that they are subordinate and submultiplicative. See Cauchy-Schwarz. 1.4. Geometry of the real numbers.


This is not a property of all norms. For example, suppose we want ot take the max norm


Matrix Isometries

Suppose M1 and M2 are permutation matrices.


This property also holds for frobenius norms.

Matrix 2-norm (spectral norm)

Suppose we have |A|22=max|x|1|Ax|22=xTATAx.

ATA is a symmetric matrix, so it has a full set of orthonormal vectors for its eigenvalues.

