Here is a list of some courses I’ve taken and some notes.
Junior Year
- CS 6630: Realistic Image Synthesis
- CS 5643: Physicaly Based Animation for Computer Graphics
- CS 4410: Operating Systems
- MATH 4500: Matrix Groups
- PHYS 2213: Electricity and Magnetism
Sophomore Year
- CS 4820: Introduction to the Analysis of Algorithms
- CS 5625: Interactive Computer Graphics
- ORIE 6334: Combinatorial Optimization
- MATH 4130: Honors Introduction to Analysis I
- MATH 4710: Basic Probability
Freshman Year
- CS 2110: Object Oriented Programming and Data Structures
- CS 2802: Discrete Structures - Honors
- CS 3110: Data Structures and Functional Programming
- CS 4220: Numerical Analysis - Linear and Nonlinear Problems
- CS 4670: Intro to Computer Vision
- CS 6682: Computation for Content Creation
- MATH 2230: Theoretical Linear Algebra and Calculus I
- MATH 2240: Theoretical Linear Algebra and Calculus II
TA Experience
- CS 4620: Computer Graphics (FA22, FA23)
- CS 4220: Numerical Analysis - Lineaar and Nonlinear Problems (SP22, SP23)
- CS 3220: Computational Mathematics for Computer Science (FA21)
- CS 2110: Object Oriented Programming and Data Structures (SP21)