3. Norms
A norm is how we measure the length/size of vectors and matrices.
\[\| . \|: V\to \R\quad (V \subset \R^n).\]An example is relative error:
\[\frac{\|x-y\|}{\|x\|}.\]$|.|$ is a norm if
- $|x| \geq 0$, $|x| = 0 \iff x=0$.
- $| \alpha x|= |\alpha| |x|$
- $|x+y| \leq |x| + |y|$. Sub-additivity / triangle inequality.
Common Vector Norms
The infinity norm is the maximum value of a vector
\[\|\vec x\|_\infty =\max_i|x_i|.\]This is very punishing of outliers.
The 1 norm is the sum of the absolute values
\[\|x\|_1 = \sum_{i=0}^n|x_i|.\]The 2 norm is the square root of sum the squares.
These are all examples of $p$-norms, which are given by
\[\Bigg(\sum|x_i|\Bigg)^{1/p}.\]The limit is what happens when $p\to \infty$.
Isometries are operations that do not change the norms.
- Permutations
- $|Px|_p =|x|_p$.
- Orthogonal matrices
- $|Qx|_2^2 = x^TQ^TQx = x^Tx = |x|_2^2$.
Norm Equivalence
Given two norms $|x|_a$ and $|x|_b$, there is a theorem that $\exists$ constants $c_1, c_2$ such that
\[c_1\|x\|_b \leq \|x\|_a \leq c_2\|x\|_b.\]Example. The infinity norm is less than the 1 norm less than $n$ times the infinity norm.
\[\max_i|x_i| \leq \sum_{i=0}^n|x_i|\leq n \max_i|x_i|.\]Note that they are equivalent when $x$ has exactly 1 non-zero element or all the entries are 0.
Matrix Norms
Suppose $A \in \R^{m\times n}$. The Frobenius norm is treating a matrix as a $mn$ dimension vector and taking the 2-norm.
We can also calculate the induced norm, or operator norm.
\[\|A\|_p = \sup_{\|x\|_p = 1} {\|Ax\|_p}.\]A nice property of induced norms is that they are subordinate and submultiplicative. See Cauchy-Schwarz. 1.4. Geometry of the real numbers.
\[\|Av\|\leq \|A\|\|v\|.\\ \|AB\|\leq \|A\|\|B\|.\]This is not a property of all norms. For example, suppose we want ot take the max norm
\[\Bigg\|\begin{bmatrix}2&2\\0&0\end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix}1&0\\1&0\end{bmatrix}\Bigg \|_{max} = 4.\]Matrix Isometries
Suppose $M_1$ and $M_2$ are permutation matrices.
\[\|M_1AM_2\|_p = \max_{\|x\|=1}\|M_1AM_2x\|_p.\]This property also holds for frobenius norms.
Matrix 2-norm (spectral norm)
Suppose we have $|A|^2_2=\max_{|x|_1} |Ax|^2_2 = x^TA^TAx$.
$A^TA$ is a symmetric matrix, so it has a full set of orthonormal vectors for its eigenvalues.
$A^TA = V\Lambda V^T$ where $V^TV = I$.
$|A|_2 = \sqrt{\lambda_{max} (A^TA)}$.